SIG-AH Virtual Symposium: Documenting, Describing, Differentiating: Stories of Singular Object Collections
Thursday, April 21, 2022 (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
As information professionals, we may be familiar with the general requirements for accessioning, documentation, and management of arts and humanities object collections. But what happens when you have a very specific object collection? General schemas, content standards, and controlled vocabularies often will not reach into these darker corners of collection management. To discuss some of these issues, we have gathered a set of speakers to share about how they manage and describe specific object collections. What additional vocabulary are needed? Beyond an individual identifier, how do you differentiate one seemingly similar object from a thousand others? How do amateur collectors approach their collections and these questions in comparison with institutional curators? We hope to answer some of these questions by inviting a combination of amateur and institutional collectors to share their focused collections in this engaging half-day symposium.
Pamela Yonker