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Meet the Authors: There Are No Facts: Attentive Algorithms, Extractive Data Practices, and the Quantification of Everyday Life

Thursday, September 28, 2023 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)


There Are No Facts (MIT Press, 2022) examines the uncommon ground we share in a post-truth world. It unpacks how attentive algorithms and extractive data practices are shaping space, influencing behavior, and colonizing everyday life. Articulating post-truth territory as an architectural and infrastructural condition, it shows how these spatial architectures of attention and data mining are in turn situated within broader histories of empiricism, objectivity, science, colonialism, and perception. The book probes how these sociotechnical systems we create bracket what we know about the world, how they construe our agency to act within it, and how they shape these spaces that, in turn, shape us.
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Cathy Nash
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Thursday, September 28, 2023 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
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