2025 Awards: Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship

This scholarship award fosters research in information science by recognizing the year’s most outstanding doctoral dissertation proposal while encouraging and assisting doctoral students in the field with their dissertation research.

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About the Applicant

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Please upload a cover letter from the dissertation advisor endorsing the proposal; 

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Please upload your research proposal which must include:

  • A description of the research, including significance and methodology (10 pages or less, double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font);
  • A dissertation timeline;
  • A budget not to exceed US$1,000 along with the budget justification for items for which financial support is sought. These must be items for which no other support is available; examples of acceptable budget items are printing, computer time, fees to subjects, keypunching, statistical consulting, photography, artwork, typing, and professional travel.
  • Information on other support for the dissertation, including scholarships, assistantships, and employment; and
  • The name of the dissertation advisor endorsing the proposal.

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