2025 Awards: Lois Lunin

This award recognizes individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the practice of Information Science and Technology through leadership, mentoring, and innovation. Eligible individuals will be in early or mid-career, and should have a record of experience and accomplishments, and also demonstrate that they are likely to make future meaningful contributions in leadership and mentoring. Recognizing Lois Lunin’s interest in the arts and in the medical/biomedical fields, nominations from these areas are particularly encouraged. 

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About the Nominee

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About the Nominator

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Please provide a nomination statement of 200-500 words that may inform the citation in the event that the nominee is selected.

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A letter of nomination (up to 3 pages in length) describing the rationale for the nomination and the achievements for which the nominee is recommended and examples of the nominee’s commitment to leadership, mentoring and innovation in their field.

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Please upload the nomininee's personal statement.

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