2025 Awards: Best Information Science Book Award

This award recognizes a book that has made a meaningful contribution to the field of information science and which was published in the preceding calendar year (2024). Please note that the publication date in the book must reflect the previous calendar year. Author(s) of the winning book are expected to attend the ASIS&T Annual Meeting to accept the award. Publishers are encouraged to cover that cost for the author.

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About the Nominee

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About the Nominator

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Please provide information below on how the book can be accessed electronically by the six jurors at no cost.

If the book can be uploaded, please do so here.

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Please provide a nomination statement of 200-500 words that may inform the citation in the event that the nominee is selected.

20MB max

Please upload a letter of nomination (up to 3 pages in length) describing the rationale for the nomination and the works for which the nominee is recommended.

20MB max

You may upload up to three (3) supporting letters of up to 3 pages each.

20MB max

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