2025 Awards: Research Impact Award

This award makes more visible the dimensions of the societal contribution of Information Science and provides role models and examples for new scholars wishing to translate research into practical benefits for others. This award shapes and nourishes Information Science as a discipline by encouraging future research that has important impact.

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About the Nominee

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Nomination should be a 3 page (plus references) narrative describing:

  • Nature of the impact of the research: What was the impact of your research; which organizations and/or end-user communities beyond academia benefited from the research and how did they benefit?; Which of ASIS&T’s ABC core values (Access, Belonging, Community) does the impact reflect? For example, does your research provide more equitable information access? Does it foster belonging among underrepresented groups? Does it nourish the Information Science community? How?
  • Process of impact creation: How did you create the impact?: What activities resulted in the impact you have described?
  • Scale and significance of the impact: What evidence do you have to support your case for making impact? What does this evidence say about the scale and significance of the impact?
  • Lessons learned from impact creation: What transferrable lessons did you learn that might help future ASIS&T members create impact from their research?

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